Thursday, August 30, 2007

Movie Review: Facing the Giants DVD

We watched this movie for the second time this week. Had to write a review for the 2 people who may not have seen it.

Facing the Giants: DVD Rated PG
Starring: A Cast of Unknowns

The story line is a small, Christian academy with a losing football record adopts a new philosophy to honor God in all aspects of life. Great things follow.

Becky's Grade: A

Here's the deal. The acting is less than steller. You will not see anyone nominated for anything in this film, trust me. The story line is very simple. No big surprises. BUT - And this is a big BUT - this movie has quickly become one of my favorites. It is one of the best "feel good" movies I've ever seen. It does not hide behind covering the truth behind politically correctness. It just puts it out there, like it or not. And the best part for me: It's a true story!

Bottom line: Buy this and watch it over and over!

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