Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gotta Know

Ok, who voted to be on Survivor with me?? Man/Woman after my own heart. Haha...

Pop Culture

It amazes me how 'pop culture' permeates even the youngest minds. The other evening Aunt Amy asked Blaine (age 2) if he was going to come to Perry's (age 8) musical later this week. Blaine looked at her in total seriousness and said, "High School Musical?"

Walt Disney would be proud.

Friday, July 25, 2008

TV Poll

My sister is writing a book about television and wants to poll a pool of the general public. I told her I'd ask my fellow bloggers to give input.

The basic question she wants to know the answer to is this: If you were to desire being on tv (think reality or talk shows), what would be the biggest reason for that? What shows would you consider being on? Why?

I read the intro to her book today and it's going to be good. Will give you more information later (probably much, much later) as she completes the project.

Leave me a 'comment' if you are able. Otherwise email me. (I will not post my email address here for security reasons.) THANKS for your help!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Barrel of Crackers

I feel the need to share my love for some good ol' fashioned country cookin'. What better place in the world than The Cracker Barrel? Brandon needed to get some gift cards from there tonight, so I twisted his arm to eat dinner there, too. It was the right thing to do. How could we walk in there, smell those sweet pancakes and blueberry syrup and not offer to take some off their hands? Mmmm... Mmmmmm... Mmmmmmmm

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

10 Things

This weekend Brandon and I watched "10 Things I Hate About You" (again). I hadn't seen it in years, but I remembered that I liked it. I discovered that I still do. Minus some crude humor and language, it is cleverly written and has an entertaining plot largely based on Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew."

Here are 10 of my own observations:

1) I 'hate' the idea that my kids are growing up before my very eyes, yet oddly comforted in the boys they are becoming.

2) I 'hate' that Brandon has two more years of PT school, however, know that the next two years will go even faster than the last two did, no doubt.

3) I 'hate' that I'm not at the place in my life now that I thought I would be when I was planning out my adult life. Little did I know then what God would have in store and little do I know now exactly what will come next.

4) I 'hate' being financially limited, yet believe that through all things God is molding my character. I'd rather have solid morals and a strong family unit than my dream house any day.

5) I 'hate' when I don't get my way, but know that I am learning lessons on faith and patience.

6) I 'hate' when my kids don't listen sometimes. Another lesson on patience. And how not to choke a 5 year old.

7) I 'hate' mean spirited people. But doesn't this statement alone seem ironic?

8) I 'hate' not having the time in my schedule to get everything on my weekly list done and the fact that cleaning my house seems always dead last. (However, I 'loved' hearing that one of Braylon's favorite family activities is when we clean together.)

9) I 'hate' the way toys are packaged these days. Are all the toy companies out to get parents or is there some sick wacko in the packaging department, laughing at the thought of disgruntled parents trying to get the twisty things off the Rescue Hero 'right now'?

10) I 'hate' how hard it was for me to think up 10 things that I 'hate.' Not really. I like that I'm typically optimistic and usually worry free. That is a huge blessing!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Movie Review: Journey to the Center of the Earth

Rated: PG
Starring: Brendon Fraiser

The premise of this film is not the original book with the same name, but rather a scientist, a mountain guide and a teenage boy set out to prove that the land that is referenced in the original novel actually exists. It doesn't take long for them to find the portal to the center of the earth and the rest of the film is their adventure to return home.

Becky's rating: B+

We took Braylon (age 5) to this family film thinking it would be somewhere on his level. We weren't disappointed in the subject matter or content. However, I thought that since the film was made in 3-D that we would simply need to put on our glasses to experience the virtual action. Not so. In that I was disappointed. The story line was appropriate for even a 5 year old and I think easy enough for him to get the basic idea. It was entertaining enough for the grown ups and several times the audience was laughing out loud. My only criticism is that it was simple - Not a lot of set-up or plot. All adventure.

Bottom line: Perfect for kids and their parents age 5-12. Great family film opportunity.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Countdown Continues

Ten more days left of Brandon's clinical. Word up ya'll.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Go Fish

Just a reminder from some of the biggest fans out there - (us) - Check out Go Fish for all families with and without children. While many of their songs are kid-friendly, I have found meaning in the positive lyrics. (See May 20 blog.)

Here's the website - Check it out! They have some great deals on their products right now, too.

The Oldest Trick in the Book

At Burger King over the weekend, I ordered onion rings instead of fries. This was a new concept to Blaine. During our meal, Blaine 'innocently' said, "Hey, Mom, What's on that picture over there?" As I turned my head to see, Blaine 'sweetly' swiped an onion ring and had it halfway eaten before I noticed his little act. I guess this technique doesn't have to be taught!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


See movie review in the previous blog. Was Dr. Banner's first name in the movie 'David' or 'Bruce?' I thought Bruce, but now I'm not sure. Please help me decide in the poll to the right.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Movie Review: The Hulk

Rated PG13
Starring Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, William Hurt

The premise of this movie is just like the old tv series. Science experiment gone bad puts too much gamma cells in Dr. Bruce Banner's blood, which causes him to turn into the green monster when his heart rate goes above 200. His love for a colleague makes him want to cure his ailment.

Becky's Rating: B+

Ok, I'm not really that familiar with the tv series, truth be told. I am old enough to remember it on tv, but young enough to remember it was a bit too scary for me. So this movie was kind of an introduction to the Bruce Banner character. I felt that I understood the movie line pretty well, although there could have been a few added moments of dialogue to fill in some gaps. The plot wasn't very complicated and was fairly easy to follow. There were a few questions left open at the end, obviously prompting a sequel of some sort to come next. Loads of action, ample violence. Not a movie for little kids, though it continues to disturb me that there were two small children that I saw in our theater that night. Please don't take your small children to this movie! But otherwise, not a bad flick.

Bottom line: If you like super hero action, don't miss out.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thank You Supernanny!

Blaine tuckered out around 7:45 p.m. this evening after skipping his afternoon nap. He was out in about 5 min flat...

That left Braylon and I to our own devices while Daddy went out with a friend. I rarely get to watch Supernanny because of church schedules and bed time routines, so I decided we would sit down together and watch the hour long program.

The episode was about a family with 5 school-aged kids who's behavior was well out of control. Braylon watched with wide eyes for about 20 minutes at the beginning and then pop-corned his attention the rest of the show. We watched the whole hour without incident.

Then.... As I was putting Braylon to bed right after the show was over, Braylon decided to give me a mini lecture on behavior. He said many useful things, but I just loved this line the most. "Those kids were acting bad. You know, you act bad like that, you won't get to do things you like to do. If you get in trouble a lot, it won't be very fun for anyone." I listenend intently, nodding at appropriate places and interjecting bits of wisdom into his deep thoughts.

Ahhhh....If only parenting were always this easy! HAHAHA