Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

May you remember on this day that the real trick is the way of life this world offers and the real treat is the sweetness of life through Christ!

But we can have fun, too! Enjoy your evening and be safe!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Unanswered Prayers

Just like the Garth Brooks song, I thank God for unanswered prayers.

In the car the other day, I hear this from Braylon:

"Dear God, please make me into a monster. Amen."

Friday, October 26, 2007


If I sent you a Blockbuster coupon, there is a good chance it won't be honored at your local Blockbuster. Apparantly those were for a certain area I guess.... Not all of the stores will honor it... SORRY!!!! I had my hopes up, too!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Music and Lyrics

Anyone who has spent any small amount of time with Braylon, age 4, knows that he LOVES to sing music - Mostly praise and worship songs. I've rarely seen him at home without his self-made microphone pack in place with a plastic microphone, singing his heart out in the mirror. We've now had to move him into the spare bedroom and shut the door while he "practices" because he's too loud for the rest of us to tolerate.

What's funny is that sometimes, if you really listen to what he's singing, he gets the words all wrong. They are usually close, but here are a couple that I thought were funny, with the correct wording listed first.

Correct: "God is good. He's so good....."
Braylon: "God is good. He smells good...."

Correct: "And in His presence all our fear is washed away."
Braylon: "And our presents and all our fear is washed away."

Now you KNOW God has a great sense of humor and just has to be smiling down on that!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Open the Floodgates

Everyday when I pick up Braylon from school and usually again over dinner conversation I ask Braylon how his day at school was. A typical conversation is the following:

Mom: "How was your day?"
Braylon: "Ok."
Mom: "What did you do?"
Braylon: "Played."
Mom: "Did you sing songs? Color? Play games?"
Braylon: "Yes."
Mom: What songs did you sing?"
Braylon: "I don't remember."

Every parent has probably ran into this conversation even with the most talkative children. Well, last night, the floodgates opened up! Blaine was in bed already and Braylon came up with a creative way to stall - CHAT! He started telling us details about everything he could think of at school, from his favorite teachers, to the things he liked to do. He enlightened us to the fact that even if someone isn't his friend, he still tries to be their friend. (That warmed our hearts...) He also noted that one reason he gets into trouble during nap time is that his cot was recently moved to be closer to his friends. Hmmm..... Anyway, we spent about 10-15 minutes just listening to him talk and talk and talk. He even asked Daddy some cute questions about his school.

Ok, now we KNOW this was a stall strategy for bedtime. We aren't too naive to see that. But as Brandon eloquently said last night after Braylon dozed off, if he tries that tactic again.... it will work every time.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Roughing It

This weekend was good in many senses, pretty rough in others. Brandon is in considerable pain as he recovers from his knee surgery. He has been pushing himself over the weekend, trying to act as though he's back to normal, when really he needs to slow down. But he's in medical school and does not want to get further behind, so he pushes forward... He's been a trooper. I've tried to pick up extra slack for him as he recovers...

The kids and I tried to stay out of his hair as much as possible this weekend to let Daddy study for his mid-terms that are coming up this month. I had to get a little creative with things to do - We had a picnic in the park for lunch on Saturday. I battled a willful Blaine at the library. I ran errands with them in tow partly just to be out of the house.

That's about it for us this weekend ~ Fake it to make it! This too shall pass!

Friday, October 19, 2007

An Important Safety Note


Parental Concerns

My sons and I were watching Dora the Explorer the other day, when Braylon asked an important question. "How old is Dora?" he asked. I said I didn't know, probably around 8 I would think. Right? Anyone disagree?

That got me thinking ~ Her parents let her go all over the world exploring in sometimes dangerous terrain and with wild animals. Her cousin Diego even more so. I mean, taking along a baby jaguar with you?!? Talk about wild and unpredictable animals! And what about Max and Emmy of Dragon Tales? Their mom leaves them alone so long in the playroom they take off to another world nearly everyday and mom never notices...She never even comes in there with them.

I think someone needs to let these parents know the seriousness of leaving a child unattended for long periods. Especially in the jungles of Mexico or in the wildness of Dragonland. I think I'll write them a strongly worded letter. "Dear Mr. and Mrs. The Explorer...."

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Big Day (part 2)

Brandon's surgery went well yesterday. We got to the surgical center at 6:35 a.m. and were back home by 11 a.m. All in all, a fairly fast process considering it was knee surgery.

The doctor said that the ACL was repaired and scar tissue removed, but that the lateral meniscus did not need to be repaired because it had healed successfully on it's own. Talk about God having His hand in this!

Brandon has been at home resting. So far he isn't milking it too bad yet. I'm happy to help him - He's been a good patient so far...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where Are You?

I forgot to mention in my last blog that after a long day of being good, I was bragging on the phone to the boy's Granny. I said something to the effect of, "They both were so good all day. They listened and were very good boys." I was saying this, in part, so they would hear me bragging about their good behavior. I then heard Braylon yelling in the direction of the sky, "Santa??? Where are you????"

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sorehead Trade Days

I took the boys to a nearby town (Stanton) for the quarterly Old Sorehead Trade Days on Saturday. Brandon needed to study for a series of mid-terms and I thought it would be nice for us to get out of the house. We called up a friend of mine and ventured out with 4 kids in tow. Thankfully, all 4 kids were very well behaved and easy to manage the entire time.

The kids enjoyed seeing their Nana who was there selling peanut brittle with her church. Nana gave each of the 3 "older" kids, including Blaine, $1 to splurge on whatever they wanted. Of course, my kids wanted cotton candy which was a major bribe point for me the rest of the day.

The highlight of the morning for the boys was getting to touch a hog nose snake and a giant turtle. They just thought that was the coolest part. They also enjoyed listening to "seasoned" ladies sing hymns and old country songs.

A fun time was had by all!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Walk on the Wild Side

Picture this: A nice, typical family (Mom, Dad, 2 young sons) start off on a nice walk to have quality family time together. Ahhh.... I can just see the young ones saying, "Yes, please," when asked if they would like to go on a walk around the block. Dad even gets out the bicycle from the backyard, dusts it off and helps junior get on it. Teaches him how to drive it in circles. About one house down, the littlest boy indicates he needs a wardrobe change due to filling his belly at dinner. Mom and kid go back inside while junior is still turning circles in the street with Dad. Ok, new start. Junior is running far ahead of everyone on his bike, making Mom very nervous. She constantly reminds, "Stop at the corner!" of course, in a very loving and gentle way. Little boy decides to ride on Dad's shoulders, slowing Dad's pace even more than usual. Mom decides to catch up to junior to insure he follows through with the gentle reminder of, "Stop at the corner!" Mom starts saying this about every 30 seconds just so he won't forget.

Half way around the block, junior is doing excellent and listening to every command. He falls a few times, nothing big. Junior is getting good at catching himself and jumping off the bike fast. Mom realizes one street over that we left his helmet at home. Oops. We keep going. Dad is getting sore from carrying little boy. Mom is now running close behind junior because we are on a busy street and there is not a sidewalk. Mom is paranoid. Dad notes this in a loving way. We switch kids because Dad is too sore to carry little guy anymore. Mom lets little man walk on his own. Mom discovers why Dad carried him. Little boy likes to nature walk. That means he picks up every piece of nature to examine it closely as he eventually takes one step here, one step there. Junior and Dad are light years ahead. Mom picks up little boy against his wishes. Little boy states he needs another wardrobe change. We are far from home. Mom says, "AGAIN?" Not so loving or gentle this time. Mom catches up within ear shot of Dad and notifies him of the situation. Dad says, "Go back! We'll be behind you!" Junior falls hard. Cries a lot. Dad wipes him off and makes him ride home. Little boy insists on being held by Mom in a way that doesn't squish his pants to his body. This tires Mom. She puts him down. Nature walking again. Mom caves and carries little boy all the way home in this uncomfortable position. Mom needs to rest half way home. Little boy nature walks again. Little boy eats rocks. Mom pushes through and makes it home.

At home, Mom applies icy hot while Dad lectures that we aren't going on a walk again without the stroller. Mom agrees. The kids say they had a lot of fun.... Mom and Dad go to bed early.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Behavior Bulletin

You know, I've noticed that parents in general are sometimes quick to point out their children's shortcomings (whether to the child or to others...). Sometimes we forget to praise when we should and focus on behavior needing improvement rather than behavior we find acceptable already. Just some free advice from a parent who's learning: Hug your child at least twice a day. Find SOMETHING to praise your child for everyday, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Look for ways to say "yes" instead of always defaulting to "no." Say, "I love you," too much instead of too little. And never underestimate the fun of The Tickle Monster!

Okay, back to the subject at hand. Braylon has been very well behaved at school since September 25 when he got his last note. This is not the longest stretch of good behavior we've had at school (not by a long shot), but its notable. No negative notes from teachers. School work that has been done according to directions. And yesterday Braylon's Director of Preschool met him at the door on the way out to make a special point to praise his behavior during nap time. This was a proud Momma... And a thankful one to have assurance that he's at a very good preschool where he not only learns his lessons, he is instructed in a loving, Christian environment that helps mold his spiritual knowledge along with mental and physical aspects.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Good Job, Daddy!

This last Sunday, Brandon stayed home from church to care for Blaine, who was suffering from double ear infections. (Yes, a new infection, AGAIN!) At one moment during the three hours they spent together, Blaine walked in on Brandon using the restroom. Blaine got an excited look on his face and said, "Good job, Daddy!!!" Brandon just thought that was the funniest thing!

By the way, we are about 70% potty trained! (Blaine, that is. Brandon has been potty trained for years...) Good job, Blaine!

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Big Day....That Wasn't

For anyone who did not hear, Brandon's surgery was postponed. We got there at 7:30 a.m., waited forever for his turn to come up. Then waited some more as he was prepped for the day surgery. After about 3 hours, we were waiting for Brandon to be wheeled away when the anaesthesiologist gave him the red light. According to the doc, Brandon's blood work was not within the normal range and he felt uncomfortable doing an "elective" surgery while Brandon was in that "condition." Brandon will get retested on Monday and either do the surgery on next Thursday, or see his regular doctor for more testing.

Brandon was disappointed, to put it mildly. He'd fasted, missed his class, prepared with his professors to be out for 2 days, arranged his schedule to be there early that morning and planned on recovery time and then Boom! - No surgery.

It took a while for Brandon to get over the initial shock, but I think we finally agreed that God's provisions are always perfect and while we can be disappointed, we must be thankful that God is in control of this situation, just like everything else. My mind keeps thinking that God may have been protecting Brandon against an unforeseen complication. You just never know and we have to trust that God knows best...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Big Day

Tomorrow is Brandon's long-awaited and anticipated knee surgery. We are both ready to have this behind us!! I know it will be a long recovery after tomorrow, but at least step 1 is out of the way. I'll be somewhere in 4 months - We might as well be somewhere with a healed and recovered knee. That's how long I'm anticipating recovery since he'll be in PT for about that long afterwards. Fun stuff...

It'll probably be a few days before I make the blogging airways again... I get to play nurse maid and babysitter this weekend. Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One Small Step...

One Small Step for Blaine's potty training - One Giant Leap for Hamilton-kind.

I swear that kid is potty training himself!!! Cause I know I'm not working up near the sweat I did with Braylon...

As we are getting closer to no diaper days for our family, it makes me think about all the blessings thus far in the Hamilton household. To name very few: Two safe deliveries, two healthy newborns, two strapping, active boys. No major problems along the way...

I am also thankful to be entering a new stage in upcoming months/years where we can do more things as a family without having to lug baby "equipment." I think a family camping trip is in order when the weather accomodates...