Friday, October 19, 2007

Parental Concerns

My sons and I were watching Dora the Explorer the other day, when Braylon asked an important question. "How old is Dora?" he asked. I said I didn't know, probably around 8 I would think. Right? Anyone disagree?

That got me thinking ~ Her parents let her go all over the world exploring in sometimes dangerous terrain and with wild animals. Her cousin Diego even more so. I mean, taking along a baby jaguar with you?!? Talk about wild and unpredictable animals! And what about Max and Emmy of Dragon Tales? Their mom leaves them alone so long in the playroom they take off to another world nearly everyday and mom never notices...She never even comes in there with them.

I think someone needs to let these parents know the seriousness of leaving a child unattended for long periods. Especially in the jungles of Mexico or in the wildness of Dragonland. I think I'll write them a strongly worded letter. "Dear Mr. and Mrs. The Explorer...."

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