Thursday, October 25, 2007

Music and Lyrics

Anyone who has spent any small amount of time with Braylon, age 4, knows that he LOVES to sing music - Mostly praise and worship songs. I've rarely seen him at home without his self-made microphone pack in place with a plastic microphone, singing his heart out in the mirror. We've now had to move him into the spare bedroom and shut the door while he "practices" because he's too loud for the rest of us to tolerate.

What's funny is that sometimes, if you really listen to what he's singing, he gets the words all wrong. They are usually close, but here are a couple that I thought were funny, with the correct wording listed first.

Correct: "God is good. He's so good....."
Braylon: "God is good. He smells good...."

Correct: "And in His presence all our fear is washed away."
Braylon: "And our presents and all our fear is washed away."

Now you KNOW God has a great sense of humor and just has to be smiling down on that!

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