Monday, October 22, 2007

Roughing It

This weekend was good in many senses, pretty rough in others. Brandon is in considerable pain as he recovers from his knee surgery. He has been pushing himself over the weekend, trying to act as though he's back to normal, when really he needs to slow down. But he's in medical school and does not want to get further behind, so he pushes forward... He's been a trooper. I've tried to pick up extra slack for him as he recovers...

The kids and I tried to stay out of his hair as much as possible this weekend to let Daddy study for his mid-terms that are coming up this month. I had to get a little creative with things to do - We had a picnic in the park for lunch on Saturday. I battled a willful Blaine at the library. I ran errands with them in tow partly just to be out of the house.

That's about it for us this weekend ~ Fake it to make it! This too shall pass!

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