Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Behavior Bulletin

You know, I've noticed that parents in general are sometimes quick to point out their children's shortcomings (whether to the child or to others...). Sometimes we forget to praise when we should and focus on behavior needing improvement rather than behavior we find acceptable already. Just some free advice from a parent who's learning: Hug your child at least twice a day. Find SOMETHING to praise your child for everyday, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Look for ways to say "yes" instead of always defaulting to "no." Say, "I love you," too much instead of too little. And never underestimate the fun of The Tickle Monster!

Okay, back to the subject at hand. Braylon has been very well behaved at school since September 25 when he got his last note. This is not the longest stretch of good behavior we've had at school (not by a long shot), but its notable. No negative notes from teachers. School work that has been done according to directions. And yesterday Braylon's Director of Preschool met him at the door on the way out to make a special point to praise his behavior during nap time. This was a proud Momma... And a thankful one to have assurance that he's at a very good preschool where he not only learns his lessons, he is instructed in a loving, Christian environment that helps mold his spiritual knowledge along with mental and physical aspects.

1 comment:

Anna said...

So true. So true. Love you.