Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Who Do You Ask?

Coming from a busy VBS week, our family took a "rest" over the weekend and we did very little of significance. Mostly just hung out and played. During one such moment on Sunday, the kids were watching their favorite show, "Dora the Explorer." I imagine most readers have seen this show, but in case you haven't, it's a cartoon that centers around a girl and her friends who explore the world. She runs through a series of questions during the show to mold kid's memory and thinking skills. Some questions are same in every episode, some are different.

We had a cute moment while watching. Dora asked, "Who do you ask when you don't know which way to go?" Blaine triumphantly said, "MAP!" (Which is the correct answer for the show.) Without missing a beat and in all seriousness, Braylon told Dora, "God!"

Out of the mouths of babes....

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