Monday, August 6, 2007

Green Eggs and Ham

My dad says I needed to post this ~ Here it is, Dad:

Saturday evening we were at Granny's house to let the kids play a bit. We ended up staying for dinner and after seeing a picture of himself on St. Patrick's Day, Braylon wanted Granny to fix green eggs and ham like she had done on that day. While Granny was cooking, I decided it would be fun to read the Dr. Suess book with the same title. Braylon loves that book - He could listen to it all day if he could talk someone into reading it. His mommy likes to get into it and act out the characters, being as silly as possible while convincing him that the main character does NOT like green eggs and ham. Well, immediately after reading the book, we paraded into the kitchen. Granny had applesauce on the table already and Braylon was most happy to eat it. He looked at me and said, "I WILL eat my applesauce with my brother. I WILL eat my applesauce with my mother!" Of course, we got a good laugh from him...

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