Thursday, August 2, 2007

Stormy Night

The Hamilton clan did not have a restful evening, I'm afraid to say. There was a strong storm system that seemed to hover over Midland for several hours last night. Complete with cracking thunder and frequently flashing lightening, it was a doozy! Of course, paranoid Mommy kept checking the weather channel for possible tornado alerts until the wee hours of the morning. The electricity went out three times and clocks had to get reset each time. Blaine, the light sleeper, kept waking up crying out for Mommy until he was reassured.

And then there was Braylon, who slept like a log the entire night - I'm sure he didn't even notice it had rained!

1 comment:

mommyfranklin said...

We had a storm here too. The kids weren't phased, but the dogs hid under our bed!