Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Sickness Saga Continues

I've often noted that our family (mostly the kids) tends to get sick more often that your average family. Perhaps it just seems that way from my perspective, who knows? I do know that I probably have helped build a west wing and horse stable onto my pediatrician's ranch house...

Blaine cleared up his cold/croup/ear infection over the weekend only to greet Brandon at the threshold of getting a nasty sinus infection. He went to the doc and got a basket full of meds and is on his way to getting better. Now it's Braylon's turn - He is running a good fever and coughing something fierce. Doc says, bad cold. (And I'm here to agree - BAD cold).

Ok people - With a house full of sickies, Mommy has somehow avoided it as of press time. Let's all chant me on to stay well so I can care for these pitiful Hamilton men...

Promise to blog with interesting things coming to a computer near you soon....

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