Friday, July 20, 2007

Soduku Queen I Am Not

During the training from earlier this week I confirmed something. I simply am not intelligent enough to master the art of Sudoku. I'm probably not even spelling it right. It took me from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. to solve ONE EASY puzzle. And that was at the assistance of someone who had the key and could "grade" my puzzle during the training breaks. But ultimately I am ok with this revelation. I am not sure who invented this or why people feel compelled to count how many 2s are in a row - Not my cup of tea! Blessings to you Sudoku fans out there - I'll keep my computer Jeopardy or online Majong, thank you very much!

1 comment:

Granny "B" said...

What? Maybe you are adopted since the Davis gene is strong on math! Your father solves one moderately hard Soduku game every day just for fun!