Monday, July 30, 2007

Opera Mom

While driving to Lubbock for the weekend this past Friday, the kids entertained themselves with the usual - DVD player with Dora the Explorer et al in the back. Our stereo in the van quit working a few weeks ago, so I've been letting the kids watch their movies for the two hour trek while I drive. Well, for whatever reason the DVD player battery ran out early this time and we found ourselves with 30 minutes of time to kill. That's a long time with two little ones in the car if you don't have another adult to help pick up dropped toys every 5 minutes. SO, we all started singing songs and being otherwise silly with each other. After several minutes, I decided to teach them what opera sounds like ~ They both thought that was really funny and loads of giggles came from the back. After a little bit, though, Blaine had heard enough opera. Well, Mommy wasn't quite done with "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera and was finishing up despite Blaine's efforts to get me to quit. After several seconds of this, Braylon takes Blaine's hand and forcefully says, "Blaine! Mommy HAS to sing opera! Let her SING!"

Of course, that was it! I couldn't sing opera anymore amongst my own laughter. (Just as well - I wasn't doing Andrew Lloyd Weber any justice!)

1 comment:

mommyfranklin said...

Love it! A mom's got to do what a mom's got to do!