Sunday, February 1, 2009

Not So "Daily"

Please excuse my recent lapse in postings. Let me briefly explain. Last week I was out of town for a week-long training at work. During the week, I got strep and had to go to a minor emergency clinic there in Lubbock. I grinned and bared it the rest of the week since the training was half over by that time. Then, by the time I got back to Midland I had full-blown flu. I am still very sick but I've been in bed too many consecutive hours, so I decided to post my excuses. Hopefully this time tomorrow I'll be shaking this off...


Leslie A. said...

What did you "bare" there in Lubbock? I think you meant "grinned and BEARED" it...but I could be wrong. You could have grinned and then gone streaking in your hotel (or at your meeting!) for all I know!

BeckyG said...

Well, when I typed 'beared' it came up as a typo. And really, I'm sick, so I don't really give a durn.

But since you seem to care, oh sister, I am feeling better today. ;)