Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm Back...I Think

As I previously blogged, I have been down and out with sickness. Our whole house just about has been really feeling it. It all started two Sundays ago - Blaine's SS teacher noted that he didn't seem to be feeling well. I had also noticed that particular morning that he was a grump and a half. Since I don't like it when people have flimsy excuses not to go to church, I sluffed it off and we went anyway - mistake #1. That day I know I shared a fork with Blaine at lunch - mistake #2. That day was also the day I went out of town for work. I left the boys in the care of their father and my mother and I ventured off for my 6 days of being away.

About Day 2 into my training I realized that I was feeling just plain crummy. My throat was on FIRE and I was SO TIRED that I could hardly concentrate on simple lessons. I called home and the boys told me they weren't feeling well either. Ugh Oh... I sent them on to the doctor on Wednesday and by Wednesday evening we learned it was an ear infection for Braylon (grrrrrrrrrrrrr) and strep throat for Blaine (double grrrrrrrrrrrrr). That set my feet to dancing right down to the first late-hour minor emergency clinic that I could find in Lubbock. And guess what? I had strep throat as well. No surprise there. Since I was done with day 3 out of 5 and figured the medicine would only make me feel better, I opted to continue on with the course. I had already exposed everyone there to strep, right?

I arrived home Friday and by Friday night I was tired and not hungry at all... Nothing sounded appetizing. I figured I was just worn out from a long week and stress tends to make me not eat (yes, I know, I'm one of the few women in the world like this). By Saturday morning I could barely drag myself to Braylon's basketball game and by the time I got home, my fever was spiked. I had the FLU!!!!!!!!!!! No way could this happen! WHAT? Ok, so I DID skip my flu shot this year...After all every year before now it had been free for me as a county employee to get the flu shot but this year it was going to cost me $10. I was going to SHOW them!

Well, next year, trust me, I will pay $100 to have that stupid shot!!

(By the way, I ended the story early - Braylon now has the flu and we are just hoping and praying it stops with him!)

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