Saturday, February 28, 2009

Interview with a Preschooler

I stole this idea off a friend's blog, who stole it off of her friend's blog. Enjoy ~

Interviewer: What is your name?
Preschooler: Blaine Hamilton

I: How old are you?
P: 3

I: What is your favorite color?
P: Blue & Pink

I: Where do you go to school?
P: At preschool

I: What's is your favorite game?
P: Monsters, Inc & Scooby Doo
(From the background, "No, not Scooby Doo, not this one, It's too hard for you!")

I: What's your favorite toy?
P: Transformers, Optimus Prime, Vulcan, Megatron is the bad guy, I know. Mom, how do you fix this? His head is funny.

I: How many teeth have you lost?
P: 2. From the dentist and the Tooth Fairy. Optimus Prime is a good guy, so it Ratchett.

I: Who is your family?
P: Mom, Dad, Braylon, Nana & Papaw, Granny & Grampy, Memaw & Pooka, Memaw......(too many to list)

I: What church do you go to?
P: (long pause) (from the background, "Say Fannin") Say Fannin. ("No - SAY Fannin church.") Fannin church.

I: Is there anything I should know?
P: You know, Mom, I love you (Mom: "Remember, shoes don't go on that sofa.")

I: Is there anything else I should know?
P: Checkers at Cracker Barrel

Editor's Note: Blaine is a sweet hearted 3 year old with loads of energy and charm.

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