Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sleepy Head

This a.m. we all woke up fairly late and were leisurely getting dressed to go to the annual Pancake Jamboree that the Lion's Club puts on every year. Brandon and Braylon got up around their regular times and I dozed a little longer than usual. Blaine wins the prize for family sleepy head, though - It was nearing 9:00 a.m. before we could talk him out of his warm, snugly bed. This is how the conversation went:

Mom: "Blaine, it's about time to get up, son."
Blaine: "Just one more minute."
(Several minutes elapse)
Mom: "Ok, Blaine, it's time, sweet boy."
Blaine: "I'm just going to wait until Memaw gets up."
Mom: "Memaw has been up for a long time already."
Blaine: "Ok, I'll just wait until Daddy gets up."
Mom: "Blaine. Everyone in the house but you is already up."
(Long pause of silence)
Blaine: "I'm just going to wait until Jesus gets up."

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