Monday, March 9, 2009

Top 10

I recently read an article out of "Parents" Magazine that I really liked titled "Let Your Child Soar." It lists 50 ways to be a fantastic parent. Out of that list, here are my top 10: (Things I added in parenthesis)

1) Play with your children - Let them choose the activity, and don't worry about rules. Just go with the flow and have fun. That's the name of the game.
2) Eat at least one meal as a family each day - Sitting down at the table together is a relaxed way for everyone to connect. A time to share happy news, talk about the day, or tell a silly joke. It also helps your kids develop healthy eating habits.
3) Read books together every day. Get started when he's a newborn; babies love listening to the sound of their parents' voices. (And make sure you do all the voices that you hear the characters say in your head. It makes all the difference.)
4) Always tell the truth. It's how you want your child to behave, right?
5) Gossip about your kids. Fact: What we overhear is far more potent than what we are told directly. Make praise more effective by letting your child "catch" you whispering a compliment about him to Grandma, Dad, or even his teddy. (I don't advocate talking to inanimate objects, however. That's weird.)
6) Kiss and hug your spouse in front of the kids. Your marriage is the only example your child has of what an intimate relationship looks, feels, and sounds like. So it's your job to set a great standard.
7) Fess up when you blow it. This is the best way to show your child how and when she should apologize.
8) Give yourself a break. Hitting the drive-through when you're too tired to cook doesn't make you a bad parent. (Amen, sister!)
9) Don't accept disrespect from your child. Never allow her to be rude or say hurtful things to you or anyone else. If she does, tell her firmly that you will not tolerate any form of disrespect. (This one is hardest for me.)
10) (AND #1 in my play book) Say "I love you" whenever you feel it, even if it's 743 times a day. You simply can not spoil a child with too many mushy words of affection and too many smootches. Not possible.

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