Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Movie Review

He's Just Not That Into You
Rated: PG-13

Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Ben Affleck, Scarlet Johanasen, Jennifer Connelly

This is a series of stories of different people in different walks of life who live in the same city and who are all connected in some way. (Sound vague enough?) Someone is single looking to find her perfect match among imperfect choices. Someone is married still seeking his soul mate. Someone is married trying to save her marriage. Someone is single looking to figure out the new dating technology. Someone is commitment shy, yet in a 7 year relationship. Someone is completely in love, but wants to take her relationship to the next level. So many situations in one movie plot!

Becky's Rating: A-

This movie has questionable views on marriage and for that it didn't get a higher rating in my book. However, it was very well written and all the plots were interesting to follow. I found myself rooting for certain characters and being totally enamored with others. I was very pleased with the endings for all the characters, which usually doesn't happen in movies with various plot lines. I will likely either rent this or buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Bottom line: I'm definitely into this movie!

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