Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day at the Museum

Thursday at lunch Brandon and I got a wild hair to jump in the van on Friday and drive to Lubbock for the night. Brandon had just completed an intense 8 week, front-loaded semester and was ready to relieve stress with some quality family time. So, Friday at quitting time we all hopped in the family fun van and went to Lubbock (about a 2 hour drive exactly).

While there we let the kids stay up late and watch the Disney Channel until we could no longer stand the Jonas Brother or Zach and Cody. We got up fairly early to go play at their favorite Lubbock park that has a huge fort-like house that is big enough for adults to go in. We had fun playing hide and scream with each other. Then we took them to the Science Spectrum museum and IMAX to check out the Sea Monster movie and exhibit. We ended up staying there for about 2.5 hours - A feat for a family with small children.

While at the museum we accidentally lost Braylon. That can go on our 'bad parenting of the year' list. We are going for some kind of record. I thought Braylon was staying with Brandon and Brandon assumed he was going with Blaine and I to look at the fish. Ooops. Big ooops. Braylon started crying after he couldn't find us and a nice man stopped and helped him find Brandon, who was actually not far from him the whole time. Still scary for a 5 year old - Especially right by the moving, life-sized T-Rex exhibit. Things to work out in therapy later in life.

Blaine was cute when we were looking at the fish. I saw a orange and white fish and exclaimed, "Look, Blaine! It's Nemo!" Blaine looked very carefully and replied, "That's not Nemo, Mom. It's just a clown fish." That kid is too smart...

After the 12:00 movie about Sea Monsters, the kids were TIRED and HUNGRY. We couldn't get to the restaurant fast enough. We had a great venture from start to finish (well, except the losing Braylon part) and we are all glad we got that wild hair!

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