Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Good Day

For any parent with young children, the theory of relativity definitely comes into play when assessing whether the day was good.

For example, if you've made it all the way through the night without hearing your kid scream somewhere between midnight-5 a.m. whether from a nightmare or wet sheets, that's a great start. Then you 'officially' start your day, hopefully with more than 4 hours of consecutive sleep on the books. If you make it through breakfast without having to change someone's clothes more than once or enter into a philosophical debate of strawberry vs. grape jelly, well, that's pretty good, too. (Especially if the argument usually covers 8 of the 10 minutes you had allotted for breakfast.) And I'm sure ALL school aged parents agree that ANY day your kid gets to school with all his backpack items secured, homework completed, uniform correctly assembled AND on time before the tardy bell rings...well, you're just plain pushing your luck now. After school there's always the mad rush home to figure out what to do for dinner. If you brave fixing something at home and get the dinner all the way to the dinner table without hearing too many, "We're hunnnnnggggrrrry"s, things are looking up. And the winner is - If you can make it to the end of your day without having to test your basic math skills too many times (oonnnnneeee. ..tttwwwwwwwwoooOOOO.....THHRRREEEE!), you really HAVE had a good day!

Seriously, according to this scale, our day was pretty good.


mtnuglet said...

Great use of the term relatively instead of relativity. I thought you had used the incorrect word, but me of little faith should have know that that Hardin Simmons Education had not gone to waste, even if it was a little pricey. Great postmodern blog.

BeckyG said...

HAHA. Nice.