Monday, December 22, 2008

Movie Review: Yes Man

Starring: Jim Carrey
Rated: PG-13 (A very harsh PG-13 if you ask me)

This film is a story about a man named Carl who, because he is depressed and lonely, tells everyone "No" to every opportunity that arises. This in turn makes him more depressed and lonely. Upon the encouragement of an old acquaintance, Carl attends a conference that advocates the 'power of YES.' Carl makes a covenant that whatever happens in his life and whatever opportunity arises he must say "Yes."

Becky's Rating: B+

This movie was, at times, very funny. Jim Carrey knows how to deliver and I think he is getting better with age. (Remember how stupid Ace Ventura was??) There was a scene that I believe crossed some moral boundaries of what you can put in a PG-13 movie. The movie really should be rated R with that scene, but far be it from me to second guess the movie rating experts. I'm just saying I would not want my teenager to go with me to this movie. Outside of that, it is cleverly written and very entertaining.

Bottom line: NO! Not a family movie. YES! Still very funny! (YES! I'm a dork!)

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