Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy B-Day Jesus

This morning at church Braylon sang a solo with the preschool choir - "Happy Birthday Jesus" for anyone who may know the ditty. It's a precious song especially when it's sung from the perspective of a child.

"Happy Birthday Jesus. I'm so glad it's Christmas. All the tinsel and lights and the presents are nice, but the real gift is you. Happy Birthday Jesus. I'm so glad it's Christmas. All the carols and bells make the holiday swell and it's all about you. Happy Birthday Jesus. Jesus, I love you."

Those are all the lyrics. Pretty sweet, huh? Braylon wasn't nervous at all and kicked it off quite nicely. There was some question about what key he was singing in, but when you're 5, all keys are universally cute, right?

To top it off, this evening he asked me when the next time he gets to sing with a microphone in front of the church. Nerves of steel, that boys has.


Leslie A. said...

the big question is this: did you get it on video and will you be posting it for all of us to see? please? pretty please? pretty please with sugar on top? i'm sure it was precious!

Anna said...

Yes. You have to put up a video. Would love to see your boys in all their glory.

BeckyG said...

I did get a video and I will try to figure out how to put it on here. I'm not that technilogically advanced, you know. Someone have a fast and easy way?