Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Hope your day has been as blessed as ours! We have finished celebrating 2 out of 3 Christmas 'sessions' and will take a few days' break before our final gift opening. So far the boys have been most excited with what Santa brought them. Blaine literally has not taken off his Hulk costume for more than a few hours (only to sleep). Unfortunately it already has a large snag in the front from excessive play. But that what it's for, right? Braylon got an IPOD and has enjoyed listening to it. Five years old with his own IPOD - what is the world coming to?

I can officially say I didn't get Christmas cards out this year. In my mind up until today I kept saying 'yet.' I don't think it's happening this year. TOO much going on... I may try to get a New Years letter out, let's see if that happens. For everyone who got a letter/card to us, thank you. It is great to hear from friends and family!! God bless you today!!

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