Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Get to Reading

I recently attended a leadership conference with some other folks from my church. One of the commitments I made to myself on the way home was to read the Bible through. I mean, if I'm going to be bold to proclaim that the Bible is God's word and the final authority for my life, I should know everything it says, right? Last year I read the entire new testament and since then I've been lingering here and there reading bits and bites. I'm looking forward to a good challenge in this year. And let me say this - So far, this adventure has been pretty dern fun. I find myself really getting into the stories and wanting to know more about the people. Hollywood really needs to perk up and pay attention to this book - It's filled with cool stories and it's definitely rated R, so beware.

Bonus points for anyone who can tell me who the Moabites are descendants from... Go! (Hint: Genesis)


aharper said...

Hey Becky,

I came across your blog while looking for the words to "Happy Birthday Jesus" for my little girl.

I just want to encourage you in your decision to read the Word this year. It has transformed my life!!! Still need much transformation but....

Then the Lord nudged me through His words to Peter, "If you love me, feed My sheep". I started reading the Bible through with my children, AMAZING!!! He has spoken to us and through them in marvelous ways!! We all take turns reading, and it has helped their reading too!! We use a one year Bible and take turns with the New and Old Testament every other year. That way we don't have to rush and we can talk about what we read.

I can see how much your love your children. May the Lord bless each step you take toward Him!!

Loving Jesus,

A. Harper

PS. I did cheat and look it up on e-sword, but the Moabites were descendants of Lot. Thanks for the challenge

BeckyG said...

Awesome!! The Moabites were descendants of Lot - In fact they were products of incest between Lot and his daughter!!