Monday, March 31, 2008

What's Wrong with Me?

The other night I was carrying Blaine into the bathroom to brush his teeth before bed. I accidentally knocked his foot against the wall, causing him to grimace in pain. I rubbed his foot while saying, "Oh, Blaine, I'm so sorry, what's WRONG with me?" Blaine very innocently said, "Are you stupid or are you smart?" When I didn't respond fast enough he said, "I guess you're stupid about my foot, but that's ok Momma." Now, if you had heard this conversation, you'd know that he was not insulting his Mom's intelligence, just asking an honest question.

Sometimes I wonder, though...


Anna said...

Man, I miss you guys. When are we going to see each other again. I imagine our boys would have fun, fun times together.

BeckyG said...

Our boys would probably have so much fun together the fire department would be involved... HA! That's a lot of testosterone...hehehe