Monday, March 3, 2008

Circus, Circus

Our family treat of the week/month/year was last night at the circus event that was in town. Brandon and I loaded up the boys into the family fun van and we drove to a full evening of circus fun. Turns out we sat next to one of Braylon's best friends from church, making the experience even 'funner.'

The boys sat in wonder at the men flying through the air from the big swing. Blaine giggled through this part of the show. Braylon thought the motorcycle and trampoline exhibits were way cool. Dozens of exhibits captured their little attentions and by 8 p.m. - Two full hours of circus enjoyment - The boys had experienced enough. We left 25 minutes into the second half. The boys were sugared up and circus'd out.

A fun time was had by all - And both boys were sound asleep within minutes (er, seconds?) of hitting their pillows...

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