Monday, March 10, 2008

Pretty in Pink

This weekend we took the boys over to our friend's house for dinner. We enjoyed ourselves despite my constant OCD checking that the boys weren't destroying the back rooms of the house.

Well, the adults got wrapped into conversation and the kids were playing a friendly game of hide and go seek (mostly hide and hide since my boys weren't good at seeking). Then Blaine did his occasional John Wayne walk into the kitchen announcing that he had had an accident. Sure enough, I thought that was our cue to go home since I didn't bring a change of clothing for him. But then I remembered I had a diaper in the van for such occasions. Our friend's youngest daughter had some old shorts that didn't fall off of him.

After a small crying session about him being embarrassed for having an accident, I got him to go back inside with only minorly damaged pride. The only catch: the shorts were pink with green polka dots. He was one cute dude!

I will see if I can get pictures from my camera onto the blog of the 'dainty' outfit!

1 comment:

mommyfranklin said...

WOW! Brandon let you take pictures? Scott has never let me take a picture of the boys when they are decked out in Emily's princess clothes... :)