Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Marathon Prayers

Last evening the boys were treated to their favorite park by Nana/Papaw while I worked late and Brandon studied at the library. When they got home at 7:30 p.m. they were wound up and filthy as ever. It took me a while to get them bathed and ready for bed.

Every now and then, Braylon will open the floodgates and start talking our ears off around bedtime. We know this is a stall technique, but there are some things you just 'let go' for the sake of getting in some good face time with your child. After talking a good while about this and that, bedtime couldn't be avoided any longer.

Braylon then said the sweetest, longest prayer I've heard from him in a while. He thanked God for all the 'wonderful things He provided for us' and asked God to take care of many people by name. He also asked God to forgive him of the 'things he does bad sins.' So sweet to hear and I know God must have smiled hearing his limited vocabulary but heartfelt words.

Well, Blaine, who was not yet asleep wanted in on the action. Usually I just pray for what he suggests, but last night he said 'I do it myself!' He then proceeded to pray at least 5 solid minutes for everyone he could think of along with, 'give us good rest tonight' and 'help me to be good tomorrow.' After he was done, he asked to do it again. I told him to say his prayers alone...

It was such a sweet display and just made this mom's heart burst wide open thinking what a privlege to teach these kids to pray.

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