Sunday, October 25, 2009


Now that Brandon is nearing the end of medical school and shall one day in the near future be job-seeking, I find myself giving more thought to what I would like to do. Where would I like to end up? What are my goals, my dreams for the future? It's pleasant to think such things, not that I am unhappy or unsatisfied now. It's just pleasant to dream up what else could be on my horizon?

One thing is for sure is that we hope to stay in Midland. It is so humorous to me that two people who once declared that 'never again' would we ever live in a certain town now have a passion for staying put. Grounded, so to speak. Well-rooted. Whatever you call it. We hope to stay here. Of course, every time we make bold declarations, things have a way of changing. I'm careful not to sound too much like a clanging cymbal.

I also would love to be able to work part-time somewhere just for fun instead of bearing the burden of being the bread-winner of the family. I'd like to be able to drop my kids off at school and leisurely make my way to work and then be the parent who picks the kids up early from school and have an afternoon snack waiting for them so we can talk about how the day went. I know the boys are young, but I can already see the time slipping away in the cloud of mad rush that we live in. I don't want it to always be like that. Steady and active, but not overwhelmingly busy.

I would love the opportunity to be able to write. Verbalize the words wanting to get out, either in children's fiction or another venue. Raising up two lively boys has really written stories without too much of my input, however, I love to use words in creative ways. Perhaps I will get that chance.

I suppose the overall theme would be - Slowing Down. I would like the opportunity to savor life while I'm still young so that I don't have to look back when I'm older and wish I had enjoyed life more earlier.

Some of this I realize can be done right now. Some of it, not so much. Looking forward to some new changes in the horizon, even if they are months away.

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