Thursday, February 14, 2008

'I'm In the Mood For Love...."

Picture this: 6:30 a.m. Alarm goes off. Snooze button hit. 6:50 a.m. husband comes in and announces I'm going to be late if I don't get up. I reluctantly get up, shuffle to the bathroom to start getting ready... I venture slowly into the living room to tell Brandon to please remember to deliver Valentines to his parents from the kids (Spiderman and Bible verse notes...So cute...). Brandon doesn't know what in the world I'm talking about, despite having talked on this last night. Brandon leaves for school, hopefully with Valentines in hand...

7:10 a.m. I am ready. Kids are still sleeping. I make sure the Valentine's box has it's final touches with everything I need for the day at the various locations I plan to stop. It's all good.

7:20 a.m. I talk Braylon into getting out of bed despite his, "Just 7 more minutes because I'm still tired" speech. I bribe him to get out of bed by promising he can wear his Spiderman shirt, which I have no idea it's location. Search for the Spidey shirt. Find it after several minutes. Set Braylon on his course of getting ready with a firm warning not to drown his toothbrush with toothpaste....Again.

7:25 a.m. Ok we should be gearing up to leave already and Blaine is still snoozing away, snoring and oblivious to my calls to wake up. I yank him out of bed only to find that he wants to cuddle. I bribe him out of bed by reminding him he has a party to get to today... He is thinking of the candy and cookies, no doubt.

7:35 a.m. We REALLY should have left already considering we have 2 stops and Valentines to drop off before Mommy has to arrive at work by 8 a.m. Sheesh! We venture out, kids complaining about X, Y, or Z (you pick) around 7:38 a.m.

7:40 a.m. We arrive at Blaine's day care provider's house. I had a big box to carry in. I told Blaine to walk to the door, where he was lovingly attacked by a stray boxer who wanted to lick his face and jump on him. This set an emotional cry from Blaine who wanted to be picked up away from the dog. Juggled box/kid/dog/door. Only dropped cupcakes once (don't worry, Mom, they didn't get hurt).

7:55 a.m. Arrive at the final stop. Realized that in our hurry and chaos, Braylon didn't eat breakfast. Braylon assures me it's ok because he'll just eat candy instead. He begs me not to tell his teacher he didn't eat because then he'll fill up on something halfway good for him, which he doesn't want. I take the 'Bad Mom of the Year' stance and agree to keep it a secret.

8:05 a.m. Arrive at work. Ok, there may have been a little speeding involved, who's to say? All I know is that it was one wild way to start the "Day of Love...."

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Hug your loved ones tight and remember to always say "I love you" more often than is comfortable!!!

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