Thursday, April 3, 2008

Left Behind: Lovie Edition

Last night was a sad night. A sad night, indeed. Blaine left his 'lovie' - a faded, small blue blanket my mom made years ago - at his Granny's house. We didn't realize it was missing until we were almost home and it was already past bedtimes. I told Blaine he would just have to be more responsible with it, knowing that Brandon would swing by and get it shortly after we got home.

Daddy took about 45 minutes to get home from the time we got home. That was a long 45 minutes! Blaine sobbed in his bed - SOBBED. Crocodile tears flowing freely. Braylon covering his ears as best as he could as he read a book. After 20 minutes of listening to this torture, I sat by his bed and patted him. This brought only mild comfort to him...

All was well when Daddy came home and his look of distraught turned to a small smile of peace. He closed his eyes and drifted off immediately.

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