Monday, April 21, 2008

Honey Doo

This morning when the boys were slowly getting ready for school, I reminded them that Grampy will be in town today to visit them!! That got their feet a moving to get ready. As I was carrying Blaine into the bathroom he asked me, "Is Grampy Granny's friend?" I replied, "Yes, but Grampy is also Granny's honey."

Blaine seemed confused, so I continued, "A honey is someone you like to hug and kiss a lot, like Daddy is my honey."

Blaine gave one of his cutest smiles, beaming that he had something sweet to say. He then said, "And Mommy is MY honey!!"


mommyfranklin said...

Reminds me of a time that Timothy announced he was going to marry me. When I told him that I was already marrried to Daddy, he said that was okay and that we'd all be friends anyway.

BeckyG said...

Kids say the darndest things...And the cutest things sometimes!