Thursday, April 24, 2008

Curse Words

I hesitate to write this story, because it just won't be as cute as me telling it, but I will do my best.

Yesterday when I first saw Blaine after school (Grampy had picked him up from school early), I asked how his day was. He looked down, pitiful, and said, "I got in trow-bule today. Had to sit in time out." This is very unusual for Blaine, so I asked further and he said, "I say bad words."

Ok, in our house, it's pretty G rated material, so I just couldn't wait to hear what this was all about. I said, "What did you say, baby?" Blaine, eyes full of remorse, looked up and said, "Ms. Raw-byn told me to sit down and I said 'What the heck'?"

It was all I could do to seriously tell him, "Well, let's just not say that again at school, ok?"

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