Monday, August 3, 2009

The Lord's Supper

On Sunday our church congregation observed the Lord's Supper. For anyone non-Baptist reading this, it's where we remember the sacrifice Christ made for us through the tradition of the last supper where Jesus dined with his disciples. We drink a small cup of grape juice to represent the blood that was shed for our sins and eat a small cracker to remind us of the body that was sacrificed on our behalf. Baptists believe that anyone can observe this traditional ceremony as long as you have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. My children have not yet done that, so they are not encouraged to partake.

Braylon has witnessed this occurrence a few times. Blaine, however, has not to my recollection. This Sunday I braved it and had both boys in the service with me. I quietly reminded Braylon that the juice and cracker were just for Mommy & Daddy and he was cool with it. When I whispered to Blaine the same thing, he wondered why. Trying to keep it simple and on a 3 year old level, I said, "Well, I do this to remember that I have invited Jesus into my heart."

Blaine quietly and sweetly whispered, "Why can you not remember that??"

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