Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Absentee Blogger

It's been too long since I last entered a blog post. Shame on me. Let me briefly explain. Brandon and I have been considering buying a house. Our original plan was to wait until he graduated next year so that we could consider both our incomes and buy a house in the neighborhood we'd really like. However, the $8000 free money from Uncle Sam is enticing, so we've decided to bump our plans up a year. In the process of casually looking, we found a house that is 1) very, very close to our desired neighborhood (like spitting distance), 2) the perfect size, and 3) near several of our friends. (Also in a great school district, but that doesn't apply to us yet since the boys go to/will go to a magnet school.) Sooooo, we simply couldn't pass it up. We are in the process of buying and if all the inspections pass, we will be homeowners again at long last. This last week has been a whirlwind of paperwork and planning. Oh, and throw VBS and vacation planning in there, too. Trying not to get too excited, but, truth be told, I do really hope it works out!!

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