Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Crazy August

This month has really turned out to be a blur in our house. The days are blazing by like never before. Busy, but good...

Braylon started kindergarten yesterday at his new school. His Aunt Amy asked him tonight if he liked his new school. He replied, "No. I don't like it. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it!" He has seemed to really adjust well - Better than I expected and even hoped for.

Today Blaine started preschool. I called mid-day and the director assured me he was doing well. By the time I picked him up, though, he told me he had a good day, but that he had a headache. I assumed it was just a long first day for him. By the time I got him home, Brandon felt him and sure enough he was running 101 fever. My boys don't run fevers for just any reason - Soooo.... Tomorrow will be doctor day. But it seems like he had a good day nonetheless.

Brandon also started the semester yesterday. He notes that he is not overly anxious, but that he is not looking forward to 4 months of hard core studying, either. Three more long semesters, I tell him. Just three more - The rest of his school will be clinicals and doctoral work.

That's about our life right now. Busy, but good. Did I mention busy?

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