Sunday, June 22, 2008

Blaine: Devil's Angel

Blaine had a rip-roaring day. Let me preface this story by saying that Blaine is tender-hearted and usually very thoughtful. We obviously need to continue shaping his normally sweet predisposition towards being loving rather than the opposite!

This a.m. he told his SS teacher that he would have his daddy beat her up after being told to clean up his toys. Probably not a good way to score bonus points.

This evening while eating dinner with our friends, one of which who just happens to be the children's minister, Blaine overheard his daddy act surprised by a comment that was made. Instead of saying, 'oh wow,' or 'awesome,' he blurted out 'Jesus Christ!' Let me again say we have no clue where he heard this beautiful name being said in this ugly way...We did not laugh at this. However, ????

My sweet boy has a dark side... And then of course that got me to remembering that we all have a dark side. We are born into this world as sinners, like it or not. I'm not being PC, just correct. God didn't have to save us, He doesn't need us. He just wanted to and so He did. While we have some work to do with little Blaine, I'm thankful that God's not done working on me!

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