Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Movie Review

Narnia: Prince Caspian
Rated PG

This story picks up where the first movie left off some hundreds of years later. Narnia has all but been terminated by a group of people in an adjacent land in order to lay claim to their territory. Prince Caspian is the rightful heir to the throne of this kingdom. He soon runs for his life from his evil uncle who wants to steal the throne from him and make him out to look like the bad guy. As Prince Caspian learns of the atrocities Narnians have had to suffer at his kingdom's hand, he suggests an alliance between the two kingdoms if he can restore his lineage to the throne. The four Narnia kings/queens are summoned back to Narnia by Prince Caspian to help defeat his uncle and, thus, restore Narnia to it's glory. Aslan is missing and the young kings/queens wonder why. (Won't ruin the rest for you!!)

Becky's Rating: A+

I left the theatre saying I still like the first Narnia movie better, but the more thought I give to this new storyline, the more it grows on me. The movie was done very well. Slow at times, but still easy to follow. The spiritual undertones are strong and it is easy to pick out shallow and deeper meanings of what C.S. Lewis intended the reader to find in this story. To me, the quickest interpretation speaks of faith and who we look to for guidance - faith in ourselves or faith in our Creator? Also, of doing what's right even when it is not the popular or accepted thing to do. I could go on and on about my interpretations, I'll spare you! I would allow my school aged children to watch both the first and now this second installment. Both are family friendly, although I wouldn't let preschoolers watch it due to some violence and scary looking characters.

Bottom line: EXCELLENT acting, superb special effects, moving storyline, rich interpretations. Go see it!! Take your family. Enjoy!

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