Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Silver Lining in Prayer

You know its going to be a long prayer when it starts off with "Dear God, Chapter 1." At that point you just have to take the ride with your imaginative 4 year old and realize that some days are just like that.

My favorite part in Blaine's prayers is that usually at the end it goes something like this, "And thank you for the bad guys, the evil people and all the enemies and even for Braylon." This came after having two separate conversations, 1) telling Blaine we pray for our enemies and those who persecute us and 2) reminding Blaine not to intentionally leave out his brother in his prayer after he prays for every one else he can think of. Don't think we've let it slip by us his particular placement of his brother in his prayers. The little stinker.

Bottom line, however, is that we take the time to pray with the boys. It's their time to say whatever is on their hearts to God. And the cool part is the silver lining for us parents...We get the blessing of hearing them talk to God, but we also usually get a chuckle out of it, too. I can't help but to think that God does too, sometimes.

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