Thursday, July 23, 2009

Movie Review

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Rated: PG
Starring: Daniel Radcliff, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint

This is the 6th installment to the beautiful series about coming of age wizards at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardary. Some important events happen in this film and Harry learns a few 'true colors' of trusted allies. The rivalry between Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter comes to a head and some other spoilers that I can't mention occur.

Becky's Rating: A++

Getting an A from me is hard enough, but an A++, well, that's durn near impossible in my book. I recently read all 7 books and so I can tell you, the movie follows the book as well as it possibly can considering time constraints. (Don't let that deter you from reading the books, though.) The actors, I feel, have matured and feel more comfortable in their characters than ever before. The storyline was easy to follow, yet complex and interesting. The pace of the movie was perfect. I disagree that it should have been rated PG and would not recommend taking any child under about age 11 due to some violent moments.

Let me take just a moment to make a soapbox comment on the content of not only this film, but all the books and films. There are some people who believe that these books open a portal of evilness and that if one should read about wizards and witches, they become interested in or open to the dark arts. I actually read this series in preparation for the future, anticipating my children reading this series. (And my new philosophy on this issue, I will only listen to those with opinions on the subject if they themselves have actually read the books.) Let me say this - I hope my children do read and love this series! I did not find anything disturbing in the material or anything which I found objectionable. J.K. Rowling took great care to play to her audience - Young people. Her wording was handled brilliantly and I do believe that in time this series will go down in history as a classic.

Bottom line: Please READ the books, then go enjoy a little bit of mind candy!! Take your teens (or just go by yourself!!). You won't be disappointed.

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