Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cuts Like a Knife

Last night the boys spent the night with Brandon's parents as a treat (for everyone). Prior to dropping them off, Brandon took them to get sno cones. Braylon ordered Pickle Juice Flavor - Yuck! Blaine ordered Cherry Cola. The little lady taking the order must have misunderstood Brandon because Blaine got Cherry instead. Not wanting to make a big deal about it when Blaine asked about it, Brandon said that was Cherry Cola and Blaine dropped the issue. Later, after we left the boys in the care of Nana & Papaw, Blaine told Papaw he had gotten Cherry Cola flavor. Papaw said, "No, I believe that's just Cherry." Blaine sat quietly for a minute, then he said, "I'm not mad that they got the flavor wrong, but my daddy lied to me."

Ouch. You can't get anything past these two anymore.

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