Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ok, file this under 'too much information.'

Does anyone else have an odd hair that grows in a weird part of your body all by its little self? I'm not talking about a gross hair like in your ear that you have because you're just getting older and you can't see into your ears. I mean a hair that just stands alone in one random spot? I have this one hair right next to my belly button - Just one little hair. No matter how many times I pull it, pluck it, shave it or otherwise remove it, it just keeps coming back to the body party for more fun.

So I want to know - Where is your freaky hair? Or do I stand alone here?


ThomasFamily4 said...

You are pretty much alone on that one!!

Leslie A. said...

Ummm...I hate to say it but you are not alone. Oh, and more come with age too... I suggest you have fun with them. Name them and then make a cute voice up to use when you pluck or shave them. Have them say "ouch" or "please don't" or "I'll be back" in your best Arnold voice...
