Monday, September 22, 2008

Terrible Threes

Thankfully I have already mostly forgotten that stage when Braylon was three and he had a little attitude from the dark side. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that Blaine is now in that most un-fun stage. Tonight at dinner, for example, I had made burritos. Now, he had eaten burritos last night at Rosas and it was his favorite meal. But not tonight. He was convinced he didn't like burritos anymore. With a wave of his hand and a smug look on his face he said, "No. I do not like these." It was the manner of which he dismissed it that was most irritating. In true "Green Eggs and Ham" fashion, we finally convinced him that he would like it (of course, we also said he didn't have a choice). Then later he had another wave of the hand when he smashed my toes with his foot - Wave of the hand, "I'm sorry..." Somehow I'm losing the insincerity in his voice by typing this.

We have our work cut out for us, no doubt. But like Braylon's time at this age, this too shall pass.

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