Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brotherly Love

Last night, Granny joined our family for dinner at the mall. We had a quick dinner, then off to see Santa and give him our lists of toys we wanted (thankfully their lists are considerably short!)

After that, the boys rode the Christmas train in the mall. They were both laughing and having a grand 'ol time. After several rotations, Braylon wanted off. Instead of saying, "I'm ready to get off," he started crying. Well, what a cute sight it was when Blaine stands up in the covered train, shuffles over to his brother and starts to hug him during the train ride. They stayed like that for at least one full rotation. It was so darling... Couldn't ask for more in brotherly love. I don't even want to know whether or not Blaine was just trying to bone crush him - In my mind it was a sweet gesture of kindness and love.

Sometimes they act better than I could expect or hope for!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I hate to break it to you, but it probably was bone crushing. Ha. Just kidding. Ain't it great that brothers can have those moments. And then the next they're tackling each other? It's something. That's for sure.