Saturday, September 12, 2015

I Can't Even

For reals. It's been four years since I last blogged. Four. F.O.U.R. What in the world? I've been busy doing life, I guess. But here I am again; Back for more. It's enjoyable to look back at my life and thoughts from the past, sort of like a time capsule preserved for my viewing pleasure right over the world wide web. It's a trip! So now I sit here and think of the last four years and ponder what is most worthy to post. What will my future self want to look back and see? Hmmmm... Maybe just a little update of what's up and then something prophetic. You never know...Something awesome might be revealed. I see my last entry was anticipatory of a teaching career in a public school setting. That happened. And as quickly as it arrived, it departed. The official reason is that God provided something similar, but different. The unofficial reason is that my first year in the classroom was super hard, and juggling school and family and church and sanity was very stressful for me. Something had to go. My sanity was teetering on the brink. Now I teach children in a church setting. Instead of bright eyed 4th graders looking at me to explain Area & Perimeter, and Expository & Narrative writing, I teach babies through 6th grade about God and how to have a restored relationship with Him through Jesus. I get lots of hugs and plan loads of activities and Bible studies. Be jealous. My boys are now 10 and 12 at the time of this blog entry. They are active and healthy and super smart. They get that from me, of course. haha... (I say that in full confidence that Dr. Hamilton won't read this entry.) Blaine attends the GT school and plays football with a city league. He's rocking the 4th grade, even Area & Perimeter. Braylon started junior high this year and, no, I wasn't at all prepared for that in my heart. He thriving, though. So there's that. He just made A string in football so he's a happy dude. I'm just happy if I can remember where this and that practice is at what time and if homework got done yesterday or the day after it was due or not. Ten points off? Oh no? Thank you, Jesus! Brandon and I have been married for 16 years coming up soon. Like, am I even that old to be MARRIED for 16 years? I guess so. He's still loving his job working with disabled and physically challenged kiddos. And he's good at it, so that's even better. So here I am four (F.O.U.R.) years later. Will I continue to blog? Who even knows? Anyway, I blogged today and that's all I know.

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