Monday, October 13, 2008


Here's a new spin on the concept of providence:

Over the weekend Brandon's IPOD was stolen out of our vehicle in the driveway (boo hoooooo). We called the police and they promptly came out and took a report. Although we were able to supply the police the serial number, we are resigned to the idea that we won't see it again. We are hoping whomever took it will listen to the Christian rock music on there and grow a conscience. But anyway, I was talking to Braylon about it because he wanted to know why the police were at our house. I said, "The police are here so they can get information from us and hopefully they can find the person who took the IPOD." He wondered when the police will find him. I had to tell him that there was a good chance that the person would never be found, but that God would still know who took it.

Braylon, in sincere honesty, looked at me and said, "Well, will God tell the police?"

Pretty darn cute, if you ask me...

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