Friday, June 20, 2008


Blaine has a little, tattered blue blanket that he has adopted as his 'lovie.' He has carried that with him since he was just a little guy, often getting it nasty dirty by dragging it through goodness knows what all. Right now he is in a stage where he wants to believe he doesn't need it, but still wants it often (usually more so in private). He has a bad habit during the daytime of leaving it in inappropriate places and then having to go without it for small stretches.

Last night was one of those times. He accidentally left it in Granny's van, so at bedtime, he graciously accepted the fact that he had been irresponsible and he dealt with it nicely. However, try convincing a 2 year old at 2 a.m. that lovie is not here when he wakes up crying uncontrollably for his favorite blankie. Thankfully it only took me 10 minutes to settle him down. Guess he hasn't quite outgrown it yet. And I'm sorry for anyone this offends out there, but I don't plan to make him give it up just yet either.

1 comment:

mommyfranklin said...

Zachary is still very attached to a blanket that his great-grandmother made for him. He calls it his blanket with fringe. It's the only thing he'll nap with. I am not ready for him to give up napping, so we're not giving up the blanket yet. Besides, it makes a great super-Zachary cape!